Orchestrate Jobs#

作为 CI/CD 工具, 编排任务是最重要的功能之一. 常见的编排有顺序执行, 并行执行. 当某个 job 是否直接退出还是仅仅报错并继续执行. 对于并行执行的 job 是不是可以有个允许百分之多少的 job 失败. 哪些 job 必须等待其他 job 完成后才能执行. 这些都是编排任务的一部分.

Sample Workflow Definition#

 1# demonstrate how to orchestrate jobs
 2name: 01_03_orchestrate_jobs
 4  workflow_dispatch:
 5# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
 7# - Defining prerequisite jobs: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-jobs/using-jobs-in-a-workflow#defining-prerequisite-jobs
 8# - jobs.<job_id>.needs: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-workflows/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idneeds
10  # the DAG diagram looks like:
11  # build -> [test1, test2] -> deploy
12  build:
13    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
14    steps:
15      - name: build
16        run: echo building
17  test1:
18    needs: [build]
19    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
20    steps:
21      - name: test1
22        run: echo testing
23  test2:
24    needs: [build]
25    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
26    steps:
27      - name: test2
28        run: echo testing
29  deploy:
30    needs: [test1, test2]
31    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
32    steps:
33      - name: deploy
34        run: echo deploying